The body needs all sorts of different fats to function properly. Even saturated fats play a critical role for survival. Like a miraculous chemistry set, the body can typically convert most types of fat into whatever type it is missing. Omega-3's, however, are an exception. They are one of only a few types of fats called “essential” because your body cannot make its own supply. Omega-3s must be consumed, either through diet or supplements.
Omega-3 fats are in the headlines so much today because we’ve discovered just how powerful they are at controlling inflammation. It is also used for many other reasons, like helping reduce triglycerides, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, dermatitis, ADHD and can help with cognition, dementia along with depression.
Deficiency of Omega-3's can lead to low energy, depression, weakness, vision and learning problems, dry skin, poor hair and nail growth, impaired digestion, increased risk of auto-immune conditions, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, weak bones, impaired liver and kidney function, poor glandular performance, poor reproductive performance, and greater likelihood of becoming overweight.
Latest research has led to the breakdown of Omega-3 and the 3 different types there are.
Here are the 3 different types of Omega-3 and how they help the body:
your heart, arteries, and brain (including depression)
your heart, arteries, and brain (including depression)
ALA (alpha-linolenic acid)
Reduces triglycerides, blood sugar, and potentially harmful LDL
Can be converted to EPA or DHA
Between poor overall conversion of ALA plus common inadequate dietary intake of EPA and DHA, most people likely need an Omega-3 supplement to reach adequate levels of this critical nutrient.
So we need to dose between 2000 milligrams and 4000 milligrams of EPA and DHA.
Some side effects that you might experience mainly are:
But there can be some issues with some anticoagulation because it can help in the blood. So if you're on any kind of blood thinners, you definitely would want to talk to a health care provider before starting.
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